Quotes about Abundance
Under grace, God is the blesser and you, the blessed. Can you simply take your place?
- Joseph Prince
If we are not full of Him we have nothing to offer to anyone else.
- Heidi Baker
God spreads grace like a 4-year old spreads peanut butter-He gets it all over everything.
- Mark Lowry
For God is good — or rather, of all goodness He is Fountainhead, and it is impossible for one who is good to be mean or grudging about anything.
- Athanasius of Alexandria
The resource from which God gives is boundless, measureless, unlimited, unending, abundant, almighty, and eternal.
- James Hayford
God gives us things to share, God doesn't give us things to hold.
- Mother Teresa
He who desires nothing but God is rich and happy.
- Alphonsus Liguori
Every hour of every day, God is richly blessing us; both when we sleep and when we wake His mercy waits upon us.
- Charles Spurgeon
God's promise will bring your provision.
- John Hagee
If you do not give the tenth part to God, he will take the nine parts.
- Ambrose of Milan
Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.
- St. Augustine
Whenever God restores something, He restores it to a place greater than it was before.
- Bill Johnson