Quotes about Abundance
I expect great things to happen today. I trust in God's plan for my life. I accept all of the love, joy, abundance, and success in my life. I accept all the people who want to work with me and benefit from my gifts and love. Every day I am getting stronger, healthier, and better. "Now
- Jon Gordon
All our good is more apparently from God, because we are first naked and wholly without any good, and afterwards enrich with all good.
- Jonathan Edwards
There is no such thing as excess in our taking of this spiritual food. There is no such virtue as temperance in spiritual feasting.
- Jonathan Edwards
And many other places to the like purpose. And therefore men can be justified by their words, no otherwise than as evidences or manifestations of what is in the heart. And it is thus that Christ speaks of the words in this very place, as is evident by the context, ver. 34, 35. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart," &c. The words
- Jonathan Edwards
Nothing is enough to the man for whom enough is too little.
- Epicurus
If our people could only see all this, they would stop grumbling about their own misfortunes and offer thanks to God for blessing them with such abundance."
- Eric Metaxas
You stand in a puddle when I would give you an ocean...
- Graham Cooke
I believe God wants you to have money to pay your bills, send your kids to college and do charity work and build orphanages. There's the teaching that we're supposed to be poor to show that we're humble. I don't buy that. I think we're supposed to be leaders. We're supposed to excel.
- Joel Osteen
This is now your daily bread. It will never be withheld from you. You may eat as much and as often as you like. There is no end to My love.
- Rick Joyner
If you've never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden.
- Robert Brault
What a unique treasure are the things we have learned to live without, for no thief can take them from us.
- Robert Brault
There's no greater adventure on earth than simply living the life of generosity and abundance that is available to all of God's people—but that so few ever dare to live. It is a journey of reward. It is the blessed life.
- Robert Morris