Quotes about Contradiction
In relationship to God one can not involve himself to a certain degree. God is precisely the contradiction to all that is 'to a certain degree'.
- Soren Kierkegaard
The ethical expression for what Abraham did is that he meant to murder Isaac; the religious expression is that he meant to sacrifice Isaac—but precisely in this contradiction is the anxiety that can make a person sleepless, and yet without this anxiety Abraham is not who he is.
- Soren Kierkegaard
And isn't it true here too that those whom God blesses he damns in the same breath?
- Soren Kierkegaard
The Attack is a funny book which the reader has the option of taking seriously. For when the laughter subsides we realize that SK has set before us a stark either-or proposition: either follow the gospel according to Christ and the apostles, or follow the gospel according to the clergy. There can be no dialectical synthesis between these contraries.
- Soren Kierkegaard
That's the way love sounds, my mother told me. You think it should feel like honey, but instead it cuts like a knife.
- Alice Hoffman
Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on.
- George Bernard Shaw
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.
- Anonymous
Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful.
- Anonymous
He's not a Republican, he's a Republican't.
- Anonymous
He would flay the fox, say the ape's paternoster, return to his sheep, and turn the hogs to the hay. He would beat the dogs before the lion, put the plough before the oxen, and claw where it did not itch.
- Francois Rabelais
Isn't it odd how we misunderstand the hidden unity of kindness and cruelty?" Jessica
- Frank Herbert
Dune was a world of paradox now—a world under siege, yet the center of power. To come under siege, he decided, was the inevitable fate of power.
- Frank Herbert