Quotes about Balance
God has disclosed himself in descriptive terms that give us enough information to be able to know who he is, and he has hidden enough of himself for us to learn the balance between faith and reason. No earthly relationship with an infinite, transcendent God can exist without maintaining these two aspects.
- Ravi Zacharias
I often put it this way: God has put enough into this world to make faith in Him a most reasonable thing. But He has left enough out to make it impossible to live by sheer reason alone. Faith and reason must always work together in that plausible blend.
- Ravi Zacharias
Medical science has come to understand that there is a strong relationship between a person's mental and physical health (Proverbs 14:30, 15:30, 16:24, 17:22).
- Ray Comfort
Just for once I'd like to see all these things sort of straightened out, with each person in the universe getting exactly what he deserves. It might give me some confidence in this universe.
- Joseph Heller
1 Peter 5 - Be well balanced because Satan 'roams about like a hungry lion seeking who he can devour.
- Joyce Meyer
Learn to caste your care, but not your responsibility.
- Joyce Meyer
Anyone who tries to keep all the people happy all the time will never fulfill their destiny.
- Joyce Meyer
Great relationships are one of the most precious treasures in life, but we must feed them regularly by putting time into them. If you find you have no time to develop and maintain strong, intimate relationships with God, with yourself, and with your family and friends, then you are absolutely too busy.
- Joyce Meyer
being a garbage dump for other people does not promote peace for me, and I want peace more than I want to know what is going on in everyone else's life.
- Joyce Meyer
I strongly encourage you to be careful not to let anything become more important to you than it should be. Keep God first so He can bless you with other things you desire.
- Joyce Meyer
Calmness is the cradle of power. —J. G. Holland
- Joyce Meyer
It seems to me that if God took the time to enjoy each phase of His creation, His work, then you and I should also take time to enjoy our work. We should work not just to accomplish, but also to enjoy our accomplishments
- Joyce Meyer