Quotes about Balance
It has been ordained that there be summer and winter, abundance and dearth, virtue and vice, and all such opposites for the harmony of the whole, and (Zeus) has given each of us a body, property, and companions.
- Epictetus
Conduct yourself in all matters, grand and public or small and domestic, in accordance with the laws of nature. Harmonizing your will with nature should be your utmost ideal.
- Epictetus
Do not wish that all things will go well with you, but that you will go well with all things.
- Epictetus
At feasts, remember that you are entertaining two guests, body and soul. What you give to the body, you presently lose; what you give to the soul, you keep for ever.
- Epictetus
Our possessions should be suited to our bodies and lives, just as our shoes are suited to our feet. Could you run better if your shoes were larger than your feet, or gold-plated and diamond studded? Of course not. Once you let your appetite exceed what is necessary and useful, desire knows no bounds.
- Epictetus
Care for your body as needed, but put your main energies and efforts into cultivating your mind.
- Epictetus
When you attend the games, do not get emotionally invested in the rivalry. Wish only that the best team or athlete wins. Avoid the extremes of elation at a win and devastation at a loss.
- Epictetus
There is so much that must be done in a civilized barbarism like war.
- Amelia Earhart
Please let us not interfere with the other's work or play, nor let the world see our private joys or disagreements. In this connection I may have to keep some place where I can go to be myself, now and then, for I cannot guarantee to endure at all times the confinement of even an attractive cage.
- Amelia Earhart
Depending on what day of the week it is and what time of the month it is, I'm a good friend or not a good friend. I'm more or less a good mom or not a good mom, more or less a good mate or not a good mate. That's just life, whether or not you're public.
- Amy Grant
Put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket.
- Andrew Carnegie
I never wanted to weigh more heavily on a man than a bird.
- Coco Chanel