Quotes about Balance
Your marriage will only be as healthy as the least healthy one of you.
- Rob Bell
Doctrine is a wonderful servant and a horrible master.
- Rob Bell
Doctrine is a wonderful servant and a horrible master.
- Rob Bell
If the only answer ever to anything is You really need to do more and try harder your heart will eventually wear out. Along with your body. And your soul.
- Rob Bell
We are always in the endless process of figuring out our ikigai. Your ikigai is a web of work and family and play and how you spend your time, what you give your energies to, what you say "yes" to, what you say "no" to, what new challenges you take on, things that come your way that you never wanted or planned for or know what to do with— your ikigai is a work in progress because you are a work in progress.
- Rob Bell
Sabbath leaks. It spills over. It changes how you live the other six days. When you intentionally slow down, you instantly see how fast you've been moving the rest of the time.
- Rob Bell
Sabbath is when you spend a day remembering that efficiency and production are not God's highest goals for your life. Joy is.
- Rob Bell
It often appears that those who talk the most about going to heaven when you die talk the least about bringing heaven to earth right now, as Jesus taught us to pray: "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." At the same time, it often appears that those who talk the most about relieving suffering now talk the least about heaven when we die.
- Rob Bell
Always fall in with what you're asked to accept. Take what is given, and make it over your way. My aim in life has always been to hold my own with whatever's going. Not against: with.
- Robert Frost
My goal in life is to unite my avocation with my vocation, As my two eyes make one in sight.
- Robert Frost
our Lord satisfied the stomach before satisfying the eye, but the imagination acts in the reverse fashion
- Soren Kierkegaard
The human capacity for suffering was like that for joy. It could only have the greatest impact in small doses. After that, mind and body could no longer take it in.
- Kristen Heitzmann