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Quotes about Balance

Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of the pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink the clear waters? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?
- Ezekiel 34:18
You must use honest scales, a just ephah, and a just bath.
- Ezekiel 45:10
And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
- Daniel 2:42
TEKEL means that you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient.
- Daniel 5:27
For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
- Matthew 7:2
You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
- Matthew 23:24
And He said to them, “Come with Me privately to a solitary place, and let us rest for a while.” For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.
- Mark 6:31
But Martha was distracted by all the preparations to be made. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me!”
- Luke 10:40
So the Twelve summoned all the disciples and said, “It is unacceptable for us to neglect the word of God in order to wait on tables.
- Acts 6:2
But the married man is concerned about the affairs of this world, how he can please his wife,
- 1 Corinthians 7:33
and his interests are divided. The unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the work of the Lord, how she can be holy in both body and spirit. But the married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world, how she can please her husband.
- 1 Corinthians 7:34
In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.
- 1 Corinthians 11:11