Quotes about Stewardship
We are just tenants on this world. We have just been given a new lease, and a warning from the landlord.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Tithing is considerably less popular than words like generosity or sharing.
- John Ortberg
God intends his wise, creative, loving presence and power to be reflected into his world through his human creatures. He has enlisted us to act as his stewards in the project of creation. And, following the disaster of rebellion and corruption, he has built into the gospel message the fact that through the work of Jesus and the power of the Spirit, he equips humans to help in the work of getting the project back on track.
- Frederick Buechner
You've been a good steward of it. You've been a good steward of your pain.
- Frederick Buechner
Jehovah created the earth and therefore it is his by right of creation.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
God put the human race in charge of managing the resources of the entire planet for the benefit of all life. Therefore, we, of all people on this planet, should be concerned about environmental issues and doing what we can to enhance the beauty and productivity of the natural realm.
- Hugh Ross
Christians ought to be passionately and sacrificially concerned about the environment, for the very simple reason that we are called to be faithful to the future, even
- Rowan Williams
The threat to the planet is us. It's actually not a threat to the planet - it's a threat to us.
- Margaret Atwood
A Christian is not his own master, since all his time belongs to God.
- Ignatius of Antioch
If God gives you a few more years, remember, it is not yours. Your time must honor God, your home must honor God, your activity must honor God, and everything you do must honor God.
- AW Tozer
If you want to know how God feels about money, look at whom she gives it to.
- Anne Lamott
If you want to know how God feels about money, look at who she gives it to
- Anne Lamott