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Quotes about Stewardship

God does not need our money. He owns everything, including "our" money. What He wants [us] to discover is where our central focus of worship lies. Is that focus on God or our money?
- Billy Graham
We are only stewards of the world's resources. They are not ours; they are God's. When we find our security in Him, we can then give generously from what He has entrusted to us. This is our Christian duty.
- Billy Graham
We are to till the soil and work the land—not worship it.
- Billy Graham
The faithful Christian steward acknowledges that God owns all he has, and it is his responsibility to manage and dispose of his possessions in a way that is acceptable to the Lord.
- Billy Graham
We are accountable to [God] for the way we use our time.
- Billy Graham
Jesus demands to be Master and Lord of every part of your life. Is He Lord of your mind, of what you think, read, and believe? Of what you dream about, meditate on, and entertain yourself with? Do your eyes belong to Christ? Can [you] ask God's blessing on it? Can [you] do this to the glory of God?
- Billy Graham
Someday all of us will give account of the way we have used the gifts God has given. The person to whom much has been given will find much required of him.
- Billy Graham
Tell me what you think about money, and I will tell you what you think about God, for these two are closely related. A man's heart is closer to his wallet than anything else.
- Billy Graham
Everything that we see about us that we count is our possessions only comprises a loan from God, and it is when we lose sight of this all-pervading truth that we become greedy and covetous.
- Billy Graham
For if a thing is not diminished by being shared with others, it is not rightly owned if it is only owned and not shared.
- St. Augustine
Most leaders assume that everybody who comes to church knows God's mind on financial matters. But the truth is that many people are absolutely clueless regarding the basic principles of Christian financial management. Leaders and teachers need to educate their congregations before they can expect them to honor God with their money and eventually get excited about resourcing the church.
- Bill Hybels
Yes, the natural world is the first and primary Bible. We have not honored it, so how could we, or would we, know how to honor and properly use the second Bible, when it was written.
- Fr. Richard Rohr