Quotes about Credit
Adam was not alone in the Garden of Eden, however, and does not deserve all the credit; much is due to Eve, the first woman, and Satan, the first consultant.
- Mark Twain
They all attended Hester's church, which Dellarobia viewed as a complicated pyramid scheme of moral debt and credit resting ultimately on the shoulders of the Lord, but rife with middle managers.
- Barbara Kingsolver
But when you come to Heritage USA, remember to bring your Bible and your VISA card - because the Bible is the Holy Truth, and God doesnt take American Express
- Jim Bakker
Do art critics give awards to the canvas? Is there a Pulitzer for ink? Can you imagine a scalpel growing smug after a successful heart transplant? Of course not. They are only tools, so they get no credit for the accomplishments. And the message of the Twenty-third Psalm is that we have nothing to be proud about either.
- Max Lucado
Do art critics give awards to the canvas? Is there a Pulitzer for ink? Can you imagine a scalpel growing smug after a successful heart transplant? Of course not. They are only tools, so they get no credit for the accomplishments. And the message of the Twenty-third Psalm is that we have nothing to be proud about either.
- Max Lucado
Every time we believe God, He credits it to our account as righteousness.
- Beth Moore
What does the Scripture say? " Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness." Romans 4:3
- Beth Moore
So it's clear that nothing good can come from our good works. God insists in Scripture that believing Him is what He credits to our account as righteousness. And He gets to make the rules.
- Beth Moore
If anything has been accomplished through my life, it has been solely God's doing, not mine, and He—not I—must get the credit.
- Billy Graham
Pride is an independent, me-oriented spirit. It makes people arrogant, rude and hard to get along with. When our heart is prideful, we don't give God the credit and we mistreat people, looking down on them and thinking we deserve what we have.
- Joyce Meyer
Truth lives, in fact, for the most part on a credit system. Our thoughts and beliefs pass, so long as nothing challenges them, just as bank-notes pass so long as nobody refuses them.
- William James
You've given aid and they've received it. And yet, like an idiot, you keep holding out for more: to be credited with a Good Deed, to be repaid in kind. Why?
- Marcus Aurelius