Quotes about Anger
Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.
- Nelson Mandela
Any person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.
- Epictetus
The higher the stakes, the greater the temptation to lose your temper.
- CS Lewis
Never forget what a person says to you when they are angry.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Hey, mister, I don't think so. You go outside and yell at sky, you so angry.
- Rainbow Rowell
The bitter heart-burnings, and the war of tongues, which is so often the prelude to other wars.
- Edmund Burke
When happy, we possess something we love; when anxious, something we love is at risk; when despondent, something we love has been lost; when angry, something we love is being stolen or kept from us.
- Edward Welch
Now listen more carefully to depression. Like all feelings, it is a kind of language. Guilt says, "I am wrong." Anger says, "You are wrong." Fear says, "I am in danger." Depression, too, has a message, but the message is usually not that simple. "Whereas some emotions are clear and unambiguous, depression's language is more heavily encrypted. It might take some decoding before it is understandable, but it is worth the effort.
- Edward Welch
Love is the opposite of anger. Anger is disdain, hatred, and contempt.
- Edward Welch
Anger looks down from the judge's perch; wisdom comes down from those heights and looks up from below. Humility captures it.
- Edward Welch
If you are casual about anger and unprepared, you will lose and so will those around you.
- Edward Welch
Anger shows contempt. You are better than they. You are smarter, more righteous—you are above and they are below. Anger tears down. It kills relationships.
- Edward Welch