Quotes about Anger
You discover that the main cause of your suffering is the seed of anger in you, because it has been watered too often, by yourself and by other people.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
The fear, the anger and the despair is born on the ground of wrong perception.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
During the moment one is consulting, resolving, and dealing with whatever arises, a calm heart and self-control are necessary if one is to obtain good results. Anyone can see that. If we are not in control of ourselves but instead let our impatience or anger interfere, then our work is no longer of any value.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Thinking can push you to do or say things that are destructive, or it can create a lot of love. Every thought will bring a fruit, sometimes right away, sometimes later on. When you produce a thought of hate, anger, or despair, that thought is a poison which will affect your body and your mind. A thought of hatred or anger can lead one person to hurt another. If you commit a violent act, it means you've been producing thoughts of hatred, anger, and the desire to punish.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Fear gives life to anger. You don't have peace when fear is there, so it becomes the soil on which anger can grow. Fear is based on ignorance, and this lack of understanding is also a primary cause of anger.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
We agreed that the true enemy of man is not man. Our enemy is not outside of us. Our true enemy is the anger, hatred, and discrimination that is found in the hearts and minds of man.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
have had to come to grips with the fact that people have lied and will lie about me; they will rip a few sentences out of context, twist a few passages, and make me sound like I believe something I don't because they need something to be angry about and oppose.
- Gary Thomas
John Wesley once boldly proclaimed that it is not possible for a man to be happy who is not also holy, and the way he explains it makes much sense. Who can be truly "happy" while filled with anger, rage, and malice? Who can be happy while nursing resentment or envy? Who can be honestly happy while caught in the sticky compulsion of an insatiable lust or incessant materialism.
- Gary Thomas
The best remedy for anger is delay.
- Brigham Young
Anger should be expressed. - Any anger that is not coming out, flowing freely, will turn into sadism, power drive, stammering, and other means of torturing.
- Bruce Lee
Honesty and love. — Frankness and truthfulness to myself and to the one I love. Truthful between two as one. You are part of my life, no pride, vanity, or anger involved.
- Bruce Lee
But war is pain, and hate is woe.
- Herman Melville