Quotes about Assurance
O God, we praise Thee for keeping us till this day, and for the full assurance that Thou wilt never let us go.
- Charles Spurgeon
And joy is always a promise.
- Madeleine L'Engle
we do not have to understand God's ways, or the suffering and brokenness and pain that sooner or later come to us all. But we do have to know in the very depths of our being that the ultimate end of the story, no matter how many aeons it takes, is going to be all right.
- Madeleine L'Engle
The power to believe a promise depends entirely on our faith in the one who promises.
- Andrew Murray
When you get a promise from God, it is worth just as much as a fulfillment.
- Andrew Murray
He would have us not only remember our union to Christ, but specially that it is not our own doing, but the work of God Himself. As the Holy Spirit teaches us to realize this, we shall see what a source of assurance and strength it must become to us. If it is of God alone that I am in Christ, then God Himself, the Infinite One, becomes my security for all I can need or wish in seeking to abide in Christ.
- Andrew Murray
The value of the promise depends on the promiser; faith in the promise depends on my knowledge of the promiser.
- Andrew Murray
It must be to the glory of God, in full surrender to His will, in full assurance of faith, in the name of Jesus, and with a perseverance that, if need be, refuses to be denied. All this must be learned. It can only be learned in the school of much prayer, for practice makes perfect.
- Andrew Murray
And so, especially in any work you do for God, abide in Jesus as your wisdom. We are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God bath before ordained that we should walk in them; let all fear or doubt lest we should not know exactly what these works are, be put far away. In Christ we are created for them: He will show us what they are, and how to do them. Cultivate the habit of rejoicing in the assurance that the divine wisdom is guiding you, even where you do not yet see the way.
- Andrew Murray
Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us . . . and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Heb. 10:19—22
- Andrew Murray
It must be to the glory of God, in full surrender to His will, in full assurance of faith, in the name of Jesus, and with a perseverance that, if need be, refuses to be denied.
- Andrew Murray
Even when there are clouds, we still have the sun. So the light of God also shines upon His children even in difficult times. As surely as we know that the sun will rise, we can depend on the light of God. Ensure that you receive it in the morning—then you can count on it to remain with you all day long.
- Andrew Murray