Quotes about Blessing
Father, help me today speak only words of excellence. Help me be a good listener and think before I speak. I want my words to glorify You and be a blessing to those who hear them. I need You, Lord. I am nothing without You. Strengthen me in all of my weaknesses
- Joyce Meyer
Choose, instead, to believe God is going to do something even better in your life.
- Joyce Meyer
God loves me unconditionally, and I receive His love!
- Joyce Meyer
Be Thankful at All Times I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. PSALM 34:1 Some people are very thankful for every little thing that is done for them, while others are never satisfied, no matter how much is done on their behalf. Choose to be a grateful person—one filled with gratitude not only toward God, but also toward people. When someone does something nice for you, let that person know you appreciate it.
- Joyce Meyer
Father, I thank You that You love me. I thank You that I am always accepted and never rejected. In Jesus' name, amen.
- Joyce Meyer
If we are trusting God to bless us through those who are in authority over us, yet we aren't praying for them - it's as if we're not praying for ourselves.
- Joyce Meyer
Picture what could happen if a wife - instead of calling all her friends to complain about her husband - prayed to God to radically and outrageously bless him?
- Joyce Meyer
in Him What specific thing can you do to bless someone in your life? Be deliberate—develop a plan to make this blessing a reality. When you live this way, you can trust that God will bless you, too.
- Joyce Meyer
If we are truly listeners and givers, we will try to help others receive what they need and be a blessing to them. But often our problem is that we spend far too much time trying to bless ourselves and not nearly enough time trying to bless someone else. Godly
- Joyce Meyer
Immediately, the water turned into wine. This was the first recorded miracle of Jesus' ministry on earth and I want to remind you that His miracles did not stop there. He will also do miracles in your life if you obey Him, and offer yourself as a clean pot He can fill.
- Joyce Meyer
God abundantly supplies all my needs; I will get out of debt; the Lord takes pleasure in my prosperity; God gives me favor; He opens right doors for me and closes wrong ones; God wants to bless me, and I'm willing to take it.
- Joyce Meyer
Don't use people to get money and things, but be committed to using money and material goods to bless people. Rich people can do a lot of good for society if they are willing.
- Joyce Meyer