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Quotes about Blessing

will not be withheld from it. What is done in the will of God must have the mighty blessing of God." And so let our first desire be to have the will of God revealed.
- Andrew Murray
The condition for obtaining God's full blessing is absolute surrender to Him.
- Andrew Murray
Nothing delights Him more than to find those whom He can take with Him into the Father's presence, whom He can clothe with power to pray down God's blessing on those around them, whom He can train to be His fellow-workers in the intercession by which the kingdom is to be revealed on earth.
- Andrew Murray
Not on the strong or the fervent feeling with which I pray does the blessing of the closet depend, but upon the love and the power of the Father to whom I there entrust my needs.
- Andrew Murray
The humble man feels no jealousy or envy. He can praise God when others are preferred and blessed before him. He can bear to hear others praised and himself forgotten, because in God's presence he has learned to say with Paul, I am nothing.
- Andrew Murray
Believe that ye receive it, and it shall come upon you. Between the receive in heaven and the shall come of earth is believe: believing praise and prayer are the link.
- Andrew Murray
Bless the Lord, O my soul . . . who heals all thy diseases (Psalm 103:2-3).
- Andrew Murray
The power of the church truly to bless, rests on intercession — asking and receiving heavenly gifts to carry to other men. Because this is so, it is no wonder that where — owing to lack of teaching or spiritual insight, trust in our own diligence and effort, the influence of the world and the flesh, and that we work more than we pray — the presence and power of God are not seen in our work as we would wish.
- Andrew Murray
We know why: He who prays is our Head and our Life. All He has is ours and is given to us when we give ourselves all to Him. By His blood, He leads us into the immediate presence of God. The inner sanctuary is our home where we dwell. And He that lives near God and knows that He has been brought near to bless those who are far away cannot but pray.
- Andrew Murray
And if he enjoys the reading of the Word little, that is the reason he should read it much, for the frequent reading of the Scriptures creates a delight in them. The more we read them, the more we desire to do so. Above all, he should seek to have it settled in his own mind that God alone by His Spirit can teach him, and therefore, as he asks God for blessings, it serves him to seek God's blessing prior to reading and while reading.
- Andrew Murray
In this way our Lord teaches us that with infinite fatherliness and faithfulness is how God meets us in secret, so our part should be the childlike simplicity of faith with the confidence that our prayer will bring a blessing.
- Andrew Murray
The blessing of the closet does not depend on the strong or the fervent feeling with which I pray, but upon the love and the power of the Father to whom I entrust my needs.
- Andrew Murray