Quotes about Blessing
If there's one thing on this planet you don't look like it's a bunch of good luck walkin around.
- Cormac McCarthy
Don't pray for the rain to stop; pray for good luck fishing when the river floods.
- Wendell Berry
Can economic hardship, such as the loss of a job, be a blessing in disguise? Perhaps yes, if the result is the awakening of an entrepreneurial spirit and the creation of a new business.
- Napoleon Hill
Every failure will teach you a lesson that you need to learn if you will keep your eyes and ears open and be willing to be taught. Every adversity is usually a blessing in disguise. Without reverses and temporary defeat, you would never know the sort of metal of which you are made.
- Napoleon Hill
He recalled, too, his mistake in having stopped only three feet from gold, "but," he said, "that experience was a blessing in disguise. It taught me to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be, a lesson I needed to learn before I could succeed in anything.
- Napoleon Hill
He recalled, too, his mistake in having stopped only three feet from gold, but, he said, that experience was a blessing in disguise. It taught me to keep on keeping on, no matter how hard the going may be, a lesson I needed to learn before I could succeed in anything.
- Napoleon Hill
The offering had been meager, the miracle dramatic, and the provision abundant, but the lesson was not yet complete.
- Charles Swindoll
When you are in the center of God's will, my friend, it flows.
- Charles Swindoll
For they are rebellious against You. But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You. For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5)
- Charles Swindoll
The Word didn't become flesh to establish a new religion. He became one of us to restore a broken relationship. He came to restore the true worship of God, which doesn't presume to earn His blessing through good deeds but rejoices in the unmerited favor He delights to give. Unfortunately, the roots of pride run deep into our flesh; therefore, the ability to accept grace does not come naturally, only supernaturally.
- Charles Swindoll
Shalom is a comprehensive expression of God's will for us in every situation we face.
- Chip Ingram
I esteem it the crowning mercy of my life that not only the chief ends I contemplated on becoming a missionary are attained, but I am allowed to see competent, faithful, and affectionate successors actively engaged in the work.
- Adoniram Judson