Quotes about Conversion
To see the despair without the grace is suicidal. To see the grace without the despair is upper room futility. But to see them both is conversion.
- Max Lucado
Don't think your testimony is meaningless if you didn't have a dramatic conversion. Every conversion cost the same amount of Christ's blood shed on the cross. Yours is just as meaningful as the most dramatic conversion ever told.
- Beth Moore
The determining factor is not how exciting your conversion was but how excited you are now about your conversion.
- Beth Moore
For individuals to become fully active in the Church, they generally must experience a spiritual conversion and a social integration.
- Joseph Wirthlin
Many people have come to Christ as a result of my participation in presenting the Gospel to them. It's all the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Billy Graham
True repentance is a turning from sin . . . Humanly speaking, it is our small part in the plan of salvation. Our part is repenting. God will do the converting, the transforming, and the forgiving.
- Billy Graham
The Bible says a great deal about entire families coming to Christ. Rahab the harlot . . . the Philippian jailer . . . and Cornelius, the Roman centurion. That could be true in your family too. You may be the one who could lead your family to Christ.
- Billy Graham
The evangelist cannot bring conviction of sin, righteousness, or judgment; that is the Spirit's work. They cannot convert anyone; that is the Spirit's work.
- Billy Graham
Our youth are desperately searching for purpose and meaning in their lives. They are searching for fulfillment . . . I believe that a return to biblical conversion, faith, and conviction would have a great impact in our day.
- Billy Graham
The one and only choice by which you can be converted is your choice to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Savior. The word "conversion" means simply "turning.
- Billy Graham
In every true conversion the will of man comes into line with the will of God.
- Billy Graham
True conversion will involve the mind, the affection, and the will. There have been thousands of people who have been intellectually converted to Christ... but they have never been really converted to Him.
- Billy Graham