Quotes about Conversion
If conversion makes no improvements in a man's outward actions then I think his 'conversion' was largely imaginary.
- CS Lewis
The Spirit never makes men the instruments of converting others until they feel that they cannot do it themselves; that their skill in argument, in persuasion, in management, avails nothing.
- Charles Hodge
A man to be converted has to give up his will, his ways, and his thoughts.
- DL Moody
A converted man will not wish to go to heaven alone
- JC Ryle
Persecution, in short, is like the goldsmith's stamp on real silver and gold - it is one of the marks of a converted man.
- JC Ryle
The reason the apostles preached the message of Jesus Christ was not for individual conversion alone. The apostles did not preach so that there simply would be a new me, but so that there would be a new we.
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
Conversion is the radical turn from an enslaved life of pursuing sin to a free life of pursuing and worshiping God. Conversion is a change of life, not merely a decision.
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
A healthy church member works to make sure that he himself is converted, but he also works to make sure that his evangelistic efforts are informed by a biblical understanding of conversion.
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
As iron cast into fire loses its rust and becomes glowing white, so he who turns completely to God is stripped of his sluggishness and changed into a new man.
- Thomas a Kempis
I have no doubt that for some to become a Christian may involve an experience of ecstasy. Yet I do not think such an experience is necessary for someone to be a Christian.
- Stanley Hauerwas
You think it more difficult to turn air into wine than to turn wine into blood?
- Graham Greene
You show me a church that does not have a constant flow of new Christians coming in, and I will show you a church that is stagnating. We in the church have a choice: evangelize or fossilize!
- Greg Laurie