Quotes about Trust
Those who dance are thought mad by those who hear not the music. That old adage is certainly true of those who walk to the beat of God's drum. When you take your cues from the Holy Spirit, you'll do some things that will make people think you're crazy. So be it. Obey the whisper and see what God does.
- Mark Batterson
A relationship begins when we open the front door, but it doesn't end there. He knocks on the closet doors too! Jesus doesn't just want in. He wants all in.
- Mark Batterson
Do you trust that God is for you even when He doesn't give you what you asked for?
- Mark Batterson
Why do we mistakenly think that God is offended by our prayers for the impossible? The truth is that God is offended by anything less! God is offended when we ask Him to do things we can do ourselves. It's the impossible prayers that honor God because they reveal our faith and allow God to reveal His glory.
- Mark Batterson
Second-degree faith is resurrection faith. It's a faith that refuses to put periods at the end of disappointments. It's a faith that believes that God can reverse the irreversible.
- Mark Batterson
Faith is the willingness to look foolish.
- Mark Batterson
We give up too easily. We give up too soon. We quit praying right before the miracle happens.
- Mark Batterson
The more faith you have, the more specific your prayers will be. And the more specific your prayers are, the more glory God receives.
- Mark Batterson
At some point in our lives, we all need someone who believes in us more than we believe in ourselves.
- Mark Batterson
God won't answer 100 percent of the prayers we don't pray.
- Mark Batterson
I threw in the obligatory "if it be Your will" at the end. That tagline may sound spiritual, but it was less a submission to God's will and more a profession of doubt. If you aren't careful, the will of God can become a cop-out if things don't turn out the way you want.
- Mark Batterson
fail. But I also believe this: One bold prayer can accomplish more than a thousand well-laid plans. So go ahead and plan, but make sure you circle your plans in prayer. If your plans aren't birthed in prayer and bathed in prayer, they won't succeed.
- Mark Batterson