Quotes about Spiritual
The church is a storehouse of spiritual food whereby the inner man is fed, nourished, and developed into maturity. If it fails, it is not fulfilling its purpose as a church.
- Billy Graham
Some people seem to put the devil on a par with God. Actually, Satan is a fallen angel.
- Billy Graham
The Holy Spirit can take God's word of truth and minister it to our deepest needs.
- Billy Graham
Angels] guide, comfort, and provide for the people of God in the midst of suffering and persecution.
- Billy Graham
God's laws for the spiritual world are found in the Bible. Whatever else there may be that tells us of God, it is more clearly told in the Bible.
- Billy Graham
The church isn't just a particular building or congregation but the spiritual fellowship of all who belong to Jesus Christ. If we belong to Christ, we also belong to each other.
- Billy Graham
it was whispered unto his spirit that spiritual merchandise hath its beginning in the contempt of the world, and that the warfare of Christ is to be begun by victory over self.
- St Bonaventure
Every time I have had a heavenly vision, I have been undone by Jesus's eyes of love.
- Heidi Baker
In my name they will drive out demons… they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.
- Heidi Baker
For me, the essence of the great American Dream is spiritual. I believe that our Constitution is inspired and that it is based on principles that are timeless and universal. This is the reason why 95% of all written constitutions throughout the world are modeled after our Constitution.
- Stephen Covey
I'm not denying that depression can be spiritually induced. Guilt from having wronged and hurt others can bring it on. A sense of having failed to live out the will of God can give rise to depression. Certainly the fear of death and what might follow can sap the joy out of life.
- Tony Campolo
Every performer I talk to will, with different words, talk about the sanctity of a good standup show, how it can really feel spiritual. When everybody is laughing, fixed on the same thing, you feel like you transcend yourself.
- Pete Holmes