Quotes about Spiritual
There is a difference between sin and sins. Sin is the root; sins are the fruit.
- Billy Graham
When we use the word "sin," we usually think of our misdeeds—actions or habits we know are wrong. But those are specific sins, and they are the result of sin, the deeper spiritual disease that infects our souls. Sin is the cause; sins are the effect. Sin is the tree; sins are the fruit. Sin is the disease; sins are the symptoms.
- Billy Graham
Only God can thwart the plans of Satan and his legions.
- Billy Graham
If you are not careful you will find yourself actually in the employ of the devil. He is powerful, slick, crafty, wily, and subtle.
- Billy Graham
Marriage is a holy bond because it permits two people to help each other work out their spiritual destinies. God declared marriage to be good.
- Billy Graham
Some may contend that the way for the Church to make the world a better place is to become like it. But whenever the Church does this, it ends up compromising its spiritual authority and losing its influence. Instead of changing the world, the world changes it.
- Billy Graham
The devil will tremble when you pray.
- Billy Graham
Heaven has no clocks or calendars, and time will be no more [Revelation 10:6].
- Billy Graham
If we would take the traits that characterized the Pilgrims and make them our own, we could regain hope. We could recover the spiritual and moral strength that we have lost. We could offer a thrilling challenge to our young people.
- Billy Graham
Satan is real and is opposed to everything God is doing.
- Billy Graham
Your eyes should never be lent to the devil; they belong to God. Be careful how you use your eyes!
- Billy Graham
In our spiritual pilgrimage we see sins which mar our relationship with God, but beneath it is a commitment which seeks to move beyond to a higher life, based on wholehearted surrender to God.
- Billy Graham