Quotes about Seeking
The deepest problems of the human race are spiritual in nature. They are rooted in man's refusal to seek God's way for his life. The problem is the human heart, which God alone can change.
- Billy Graham
At this crucial point in world history, everyone should be seeking an answer to the question, "What is God like?" Everyone should ask it, and everyone should make very sure of the answer . . . The Bible says, ". . . God has shown it to them" [Romans 1:19 NKJV].
- Billy Graham
As a young man] I sought thrills! I found them in Christ. I looked for something that would bring perfect joy! I found it in Christ. I looked for something that would bring pleasure and that would satisfy the deepest longing of my heart! I found it in Christ. And my life has never been the same.
- Billy Graham
I am convinced that when a man sincerely searches for God with all his heart, God will reveal Himself in some way.
- Billy Graham
We relegate God to our spare time—but end up never having any spare time! Jesus said, "Seek first his kingdom" [Matthew 6:33 NIV].
- Billy Graham
Often, we try to tell God what we want Him to do—but ask Him to help you guard against this, and to seek His will instead of your own. Pray and ask God to guide you.
- Billy Graham
There will come a time when people hungering for the truth will seek it where it is supposedly disseminated, such as books and churches, but they will not hear the Word of the Lord. Instead of receiving a message to satisfy their spiritual longings, they will hear a sermon on some current political or social problem, or a sermonette on art and literature. And so they wander from one place to another, going from hope to despair, and eventually giving up.
- Billy Graham
But Jesus always leaves the ninety-nine to chase after the one. He always searches for the one lost coin.
- Heidi Baker
A very great matter is at stake when the true and truly holy divinity is commended to men as that which they ought to seek after and to worship; not, however, on account of the transitory vapor of mortal life, but on account of life eternal, which alone is blessed.
- St. Augustine
How did I burn then, my God, how did I burn to re-mount from earthly things to Thee, nor knew I what Thou wouldest do with me? For with Thee is wisdom.
- St. Augustine
Behold my heart, O God, behold my heart, which Thou hadst pity upon in the bottom of the bottomless pit. Now, behold, let my heart tell Thee what it sought there, that I should be gratuitously evil, having no temptation to ill, but the ill itself. It was foul, and I loved it; I loved to perish, I loved mine own fault, not that for which I was faulty, but my fault itself. Foul soul, falling from Thy firmament to utter destruction; not seeking aught through the shame, but the shame itself!
- St. Augustine
How then do I seek Thee, O Lord? For when I seek Thee, my God, I seek a happy life. I will seek Thee, that my soul may live. For my body liveth by my soul; and my soul by Thee.
- St. Augustine