Quotes about Seeking
We must stop using the fact that we cannot earn grace ( whether for justification or for sanctification) as an excuse for not energetically seeking to receive grace.
- Dallas Willard
God seeks us. The basic nature of God is one of loving community.
- Dallas Willard
That is not the way of God. It is asking, it is seeking, it is knocking.
- Dallas Willard
If we do seek him, he will certainly find us, and then we, ever more deeply, find him.
- Dallas Willard
People everywhere see the True, the Beautiful, and the Good and long to know their source. And, thank God, He has revealed Himself!
- Eric Metaxas
We are born seekers, calling strange names into the darkness from our earliest days because we know we are not meant to be alone, and because we know that we await someone whom we cannot always see.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
The theologian William E. Hull, worrying over the destructive animosities that divide religious organizations, asked, "How can we avoid the wrangling that breeds hostility?" And he answered: "By seeking clarity rather than victory" (Beyond the Barriers, p. 169).
- Wendell Berry
All religions and spiritual traditions begin with the cry Help!
- William James
Then I started really studying what the Scriptures say, and God showed me that it wasn't my job to do the heavy lifting. No. That was something that only He could do. It was my job to seek Him, to trust Him, and to stand on His Word.
- Chris Fabry
Without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.
- Chris Fabry
Will reading the Book of Mormon now and then ensure faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? You wouldn't count on it if you read Nephi carefully. He said the Holy Ghost is "the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him." Diligently surely means regularly. And it surely means pondering and praying. And the praying will surely include a fervent pleading to know the truth. Anything less would hardly be diligent. And anything less will not be enough for you and for me.
- Henry B. Eyring
When you knock, ask to see God — none of the servants.
- Henry David Thoreau