Quotes about Comment
Obviously Moses indicates by this comment that the workers of the Law would be precisely the people who do not keep the Commandments of God, for he is certain that this grace is not given to all.
- Martin Luther
Well now, if that ain't a ray of sunshine," one of the men declared.
- Tracie Peterson
It is a quaint comment on the notion that the English are practical and the French merely visionary, that we were rebels in arts while they were rebels in arms.
- GK Chesterton
A Man's life of any worth is a continual allegory, and very few eyes can see the Mystery of his life—a life like the scriptures, figurative—which such people can no more make out than they can the Hebrew Bible. Lord Byron cuts a figure but he is not figurative—Shakspeare led a life of Allegory: his works are the comments on it
- John Keats
only God's truth without limit, without defect, without stain. This clean light, which tastes of Paradise, is beyond all pride, beyond comment, beyond proprietorship, beyond solitude. It is in all and for all. It is the true light that shines in everyone, in every man coming into this world. It is the light of Christ, Who stands in the midst of us and we know Him not.
- Thomas Merton
His vision was religious and clean, and therefore his paintings were without decoration or superfluous comment, since a religious man respects the power of God's creation to bear witness for itself.
- Thomas Merton
His vision was religious and clean, and therefore his paintings were without decoration or superfluous comment, since a religious man respects the power of God's creation to bear witness for itself.
- Thomas Merton
By a curious coincidence, as each point was recalled, the black wizards of Ashantee would strike up with their hatchets, as in ominous comment on the white stranger's thoughts. Pressed by such enigmas and portents, it would have been almost against nature, had not, even into the least distrustful heart, some ugly misgivings obtruded.
- Herman Melville
Another suggestion has come from Mark Allan Powell, who believes the first four beatitudes promise reversal for those who are unfortunate (vv. 3—6) while the second four promise eschatological rewards to the virtuous (vv. 7—10), with verses 11—12 functioning as a concluding comment. He believes the second four blessings are addressing those who show mercy to the unfortunate ones in the first four.19
- Scot McKnight
Because with every action, comment, conversation, we have the choice to invite Heaven or Hell to Earth.
- Rob Bell
I regret that a private comment I made to the vice presidential candidate made it through the public airways.
- George W. Bush
I'll say I'm happy doing my thing. No one says 'no comment' anymore.
- Conan O'Brien