Quotes about Sea
The woods call to us with a hundred voices, but the sea has one only — a mighty voice that drowns our souls in its majestic music. The woods are human, but the sea is of the company of the archangels.
- LM Montgomery
The wind was off shore, and only broke the sea's surface in to long, silvery ripples, and sent sheeny shadows flying out across it, from every point and headland, like transparent wings. The dusk was hanging a curtain of violet gloom over the sand-dunes and the headlands where gulls were huddling. The sky was faintly filmed over with scarfs of silken vapor. Cloud fleets rode at anchor along the horizons. An evening star was watching over the bar.
- LM Montgomery
There was a blue, waiting sea at the end and an old grey house fronting the sunset, so close to the purring waves that in storms their spray dashed over its very doorstep...a wise old house that knew many things, as Pat always felt. Mother's old home and therefore to be loved, whether one could love the people in it or not.
- LM Montgomery
the golden west between its softly dark shores. The sea moaned eerily on the sand-bar, sorrowful even in spring, but a sly, jovial wind
- LM Montgomery
The woods are human, but the sea is of the company of the archangels.
- LM Montgomery
Implacable I, the implacable Sea; Implacable most when most I smile serene- Pleased, not appeased, by myriad wrecks in me.
- Herman Melville
once upon a time all the rivers combined to protest against the action of the sea in making their waters salt. When we come to you, sad they to the sea, we are sweet and drinkable; but when once we have mingled with you, our waters become as briny and unpalatable as your own. The sea replied shortly, Keep away from me, and you'll remain sweet.
- Aesop
We were made to enjoy music, to enjoy beautiful sunsets, to enjoy looking at the billows of the sea and to be thrilled with a rose that is bedecked with dew… Human beings are actually created for the transcendent, for the sublime, for the beautiful, for the truthful... and all of us are given the task of trying to make this world a little more hospitable to these beautiful things.
- Desmond Tutu
He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always said as though she were a woman.
- Ernest Hemingway
Man is not much beside the great birds and beasts. Still I would rather be that beast down there in the darkness of the sea.
- Ernest Hemingway
The east wind is blowing all the water out." "The hell with the east wind," Thomas Hudson said. As he said the words, they sounded like a basic and older blasphemy than any that could have to do with the Christian religion. He knew that he was speaking against one of the great friends of all people who go to sea. So since he had made the blasphemy he did not apologize. He repeated it.
- Ernest Hemingway
It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea and the old man had always considered it so and respected it. But
- Ernest Hemingway