Quotes about Competence
It is ridiculous to take on a man's job just in order to be able to say that 'a woman has done it - yah!' The only decent reason for tackling a job is that it is your job and you want to do it.
- Dorothy Sayers
We need a lot more technically literate people. The computers are the tools that are going to solve essentially all problems, and the people who can use them better will be more effective.
- Tobias Lutke
In a world that proclaims the non-existence of the mind, the moral righteousness of rule by brute force, the penalizing of the competent in favor of the incompetent, the sacrifice of the best to the worst - in such a world, the best have to turn against society and have to become its deadliest enemies.
- Ayn Rand
All the codes of ethics they'll try to ram down your throat are just so much paper money put out by swindlers to fleece people of their virtues. The code of competence is the only system of morality that's on a gold standard.
- Ayn Rand
what became abundantly clear as soon as Sarah Palin stepped into the spotlight was that on just about every subject relevant to governing the country she had absolutely no idea what the hell she was talking about.
- Barack Obama
I was neither capable nor competent to form Christ in another person, to shape a life of discipleship in man, woman or child. That is supernatural work, and I am not supernatural. Mine was the more modest work of Scripture and prayer—helping people listen to God speak to them from the Scriptures and then joining them in answering God as personally and honestly as we could in lives of prayer.
- Eugene Peterson
My selection process is based on "three Cs": first character, then competence, and finally chemistry with me and with the rest of the team. Character. Competence. Chemistry.
- Bill Hybels
That has always seemed to me one of the stranger aspects of literary fame: you prove your competence as a writer and an inventor of stories, and then people clamour for you to make speeches and tell them what you think about the world.
- JM Coetzee
You cannot trust Jesus in areas in which you don't think him competent.
- Dallas Willard
There are three qualities a leader must exemplify to build trust: competence, connection, and character.
- John Maxwell
Trust is equal parts character and competence... You can look at any leadership failure, and it's always a failure of one or the other.
- Stephen Covey
It is astonishing with how little reading a doctor can practice medicine, but is not astonishing how badly he may do it.
- William Osler