Quotes about Competence
There's an old saying. Never send a boy to do a man's job, send a lady.
- John F. Kennedy
Responsibiliti es gravitate to the man who can shoulder them and the power to him who knows how
- Elbert Hubbard
Let every man practise the trade which he best understands.
- Cicero
Clarity breeds mastery.
- Robin Sharma
The excellence of a thing is related to its proper function.
- Aristotle
Sure it's a big job; but I don't know anyone who can do it better than I can.
- John F. Kennedy
Skill to do comes of doing.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are men running governments who shouldn't be allowed to play with matches.
- Will Rogers
Theological formation is the gradual and often painful discovery of God's incomprehensibility. You can be competent in many things, but you cannot be competent in God.
- Henri Nouwen
It is easier to get one or a few of good sense, and of ability to legislate and adjudge, than to get many.
- Aristotle
I knew that the moment I started worrying about whether or not I was good enough for the job, I wouldn't be able to do it.
- Madeleine L'Engle