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Quotes about Accountability

The things you do and say always tell you more about yourself than whoever you're speaking or responding to
- Paul David Tripp
Inspection means that we invite people to step over the normal boundaries of leadership relationships to look into our lives to help us see things that we would not see on our own. It means inviting fellow leaders to watch for our souls.
- Paul David Tripp
Just like Adam, when we blame people and situations for our problems, below the surface we are also making accusations against God.
- Paul David Tripp
Be thankful when you made the right choices and admit it when you didn't.
- Perry Stone
But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." — MATTHEW 12:36-37
- Perry Stone
A successful leader must lead by example.
- Peter Lillback
And the man answered, “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
- Genesis 3:12
Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” “The serpent deceived me,” she replied, “and I ate.”
- Genesis 3:13
And the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I do not know!” he answered. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
- Genesis 4:9
And surely I will require the life of any man or beast by whose hand your lifeblood is shed. I will demand an accounting from anyone who takes the life of his fellow man:
- Genesis 9:5
I did not bring you anything torn by wild beasts; I bore the loss myself. And you demanded payment from me for what was stolen by day or night.
- Genesis 31:39
And Reuben responded, “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against the boy? But you would not listen. Now we must account for his blood!”
- Genesis 42:22