Quotes about Accountability
It's a really, really scary thing to stand here, to put words in people's mouths to say to God. It's terrifying to me. You potentially could mess someone up for...I don't know, eternity.
- David Crowder
I have nothing to hide. I am a servant of the living God. He is the only one I answer to.
- Benny Hinn
In the end, dear friend, it is always between us and God, not between us and them.
- Mother Teresa
God knows what you've been doing, everything you've been doing. You may fool me, but you can't fool God!
- F Scott Fitzgerald
All our words and actions pass in review before God.
- Ellen White
Grace does not cancel out our responsibility or accountability for the things God has given us to do.
- Mike Bickle
Blame enables us to smuggle our issues into our future.
- Andy Stanley
Again and again, God's Word reveals that He is not as concerned about the depth or extent of the sin we commit as He is about our attitude and response when we are confronted with our sin.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
There are no small sins against a great God.
- JI Packer
When I could not see the light with my blind eyes, I blamed not my eyes, but the sun.
- St. Jerome
People who blame things rarely change things. Blame is an unassailable change-avoidance strategy.
- Andy Stanley
The most shattering thought I've ever had is my personal accountability to God one day
- Leonard Ravenhill