Quotes about Accountability
Freedom is not the permission to do what you like. It's the power to do what you ought.
- Os Guinness
Kings and magistrates are invested with no more power than the people entrust to them.
- Roger Williams
When extraordinary power and extraordinary pay are allotted to any individual in a government, he becomes the center, round which every kind of corruption generates and forms.
- Thomas Paine
Believe in the power of your own voice. The more noise you make, the more accountability you demand from your leaders, the more our world will change for the better.
- Al Gore
There ought to be one day — just one — when there is open season on senators.
- Will Rogers
There ought to be one day - just one - where there is open season on senators.
- Will Rogers
Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're actually paying for.
- Will Rogers
There are men running governments who shouldn't be allowed to play with matches.
- Will Rogers
Just be glad you're not getting all the government you're paying for
- Will Rogers
I'll tell you the truth and its up to you to live with it.
- William Goldman
For a universe without moral accountability and devoid of value is unimaginably terrible.
- William Lane Craig
For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." [2 Cor. v. 10]
- William Law