Quotes about Government
We are all imperfect. We can not expect perfect government.
- William Howard Taft
Sometimes it requires national impetus to deliver real change.
- Chuka Umunna
Adam and Eve were placed in the garden with a mission. God said, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen. 1:28). It was God's intention that as they bore more children, who also lived under God's rule, they would be extending the boundaries of His garden (His government) through the simplicity of their devotion to Him.
- Bill Johnson
I honor You for the fact that of the increase of Your government there will be no end!
- Bill Johnson
With respect to the northeastern boundary of the United States, no official correspondence between this Government and that of Great Britain has passed since that communicated to Congress toward the close of their last session.
- Martin Van Buren
Every city and town in America would be bankrupt if they kept their books the way private-sector companies keep their books - because of the obligation cities and towns have taken upon themselves to provide health care for their retirees.
- Clayton M. Christensen
I repeat... that all power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people and for the people all springs, and all must exist.
- Benjamin Disraeli
The administration of government, like a guardianship ought to be directed to the good of those who confer, not of those who receive the trust.
- Cicero
The public trust is at the core of both a free market economy and a democracy.
- Hillary Clinton
I am on record as saying that we need to put more money into the Social Security Trust Fund. That's part of my commitment to raise taxes on the wealthy.
- Hillary Clinton
But the truth is that it is only by believing in God that we can ever criticise the Government. Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God.
- GK Chesterton
Over the course of time many Americans have forgotten that "we the people" are actually at the top of the food chain as far as authority is concerned in this nation. The Republicans don't run our nation. The Democrats don't run our nation. We do. However, by dividing and engaging in political squabbles, we have allowed the government to grow so large and powerful that it has now become the boss, progressively taking charge of all of our lives.
- Ben Carson