Quotes about Government
I enjoyed my stay in the Congress. Most people do not. And too many people who have been elected really don't understand the nature of government.
- Ed Koch
Put simply, the rich pay a lot of taxes as a total percentage of taxes collected, but they don't pay a lot of taxes as a percentage of what they can afford to pay, or as a percentage of what the government needs to close the deficit gap.
- Ben Stein
But I contend that if we're providing total medical coverage for every man, woman, and child in Iraq, shouldn't we at least be doing the same thing for every man, woman, and child in the United States?
- Tony Campolo
Every time our government chooses to use military force to bring about change in the world, it once again teaches our children the myth of redemptive violence, the myth that violence can be an instrument for good.
- Shane Claiborne
When the church takes affairs of the state more seriously than they do Jesus, Pax Romana becomes its gospel and the president becomes the Son of God. After all, what is the point in calling anything God if it does not also hold sway in every part of one's life—especially one's politics?
- Shane Claiborne
It is no accident that the rise of so many democracies took place in a time when the world's most influential nation was itself a democracy.
- George W. Bush
And I have no doubt that every new example will succeed, as every past one has done, in showing that religion and Government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together.
- James Madison
The clever, albeit fragile, coalition against terrorism brought together by the U.S. government might be able to advance the transition from classical international law to a cosmopolitan order.
- Jurgen Habermas
Government help to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off.
- Ayn Rand
But it's a crime! It's a crime against the nation. Don't you know that?" "No." "It's against the law!" "Yes.
- Ayn Rand
there is really only one proper function: the protection of individual rights.
- Ayn Rand
If I can't, then that would make it an absolute and you said there aren't any absolutes." "That's different." "How is it different?" "It's the government." "You mean, there aren't any absolutes except the government?" "I mean, if they say it's important, then it is.
- Ayn Rand