Quotes about Scriptures
Then I started really studying what the Scriptures say, and God showed me that it wasn't my job to do the heavy lifting. No. That was something that only He could do. It was my job to seek Him, to trust Him, and to stand on His Word.
- Chris Fabry
We don't preach the Scriptures; we let the Scriptures preach through us as they point to Christ.
- Leonard Sweet
When I read the statements of Christ, there seems to be this urgency and intensity. I guess that's what I get out of it when I read the tone of the Scriptures, which is very different from the tone of our culture.
- Francis Chan
We must let patience have its perfect work, remembering that there are precious promises in the Scriptures for those who wait upon the Lord.
- Ellen White
When we look at history, we see history is made up of the heroes of their times. Yet, somehow we miss this when we put on the lens of the Scriptures.
- Erwin McManus
Karl Barth imagined the Christian theologian in the role of John the Baptist in the painting of Matthias Grünewald: he is standing to the side of the cross, holding the open Hebrew Scriptures in one hand and pointing with a finger of the other to the crucified Christ.67 A theologian ought to draw attention to the way of life and to the one who originally embodied it, not to the intellectual prowess, fertile imagination, or dazzling rhetoric of the theologian.
- Miroslav Volf
By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
- Thomas Merton
if the scriptures don't sometimes pierce us like a sword, we're not paying close enough attention.
- Kathleen Norris
The first thing you will notice is that Simms' ark is much closer to the biblical proportions that were given: 300 by 50 by 30 cubits (Genesis 6:15). Mr. Simms simply squares them off. I'm surprised many illustrators and researchers today have failed to attain this basic information, considering it is given in the Scriptures. Instead, they proceed
- Ken Ham
The Ark Encounter will help us do that in a powerful, non-threatening way by simply sharing the truth of God's Word with visitors at the Ark concerning the historicity of Noah's ark, the Genesis Flood, and other authentic accounts of history revealed in the Scriptures, including the account of redemption weaved throughout the Bible.
- Ken Ham
Eternal torture is nowhere suggested in the Old Testament Scriptures, and only a few statements in the New Testament can be so misconstrued as to appear to teach it; and these are found either among the symbolisms of Revelation, or among the parables and dark sayings of our Lord, which were not understood by the people who heard them (Luke 8:10) and which seem to be but little better comprehended today.
- Charles Taze Russell
The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention.
- Ezra Taft Benson