Quotes about Wrong
In the real-life struggles between right and wrong, justice and injustice, life and death, we all realize that truth does matter. Jesus Christ repeatedly talked about the supreme value of truth. While
- Ravi Zacharias
Yossarian left money in the old woman's lap—it was odd how many wrongs leaving money seemed to right—and
- Joseph Heller
There are thousands upon thousands of thoughts presented to us every day. The mind has to be renewed to follow after the Spirit and not the flesh. Our carnal (worldly, fleshly) minds have had so much practice operating freely that we surely don't have to use any effort to think wrong thoughts.
- Joyce Meyer
I do not think poor human nature so sorry a piece of workmanship as they would make it out to be; and as far as I have observed, I am fully satisfied that man, if left to himself, would about as readily go right as wrong. It is only this eternally sounding in his ears that it is his duty to go right which makes him go the very reverse. The
- Washington Irving
How true it is that without the guidance of the Holy Spirit intellect not only is undependable but also extremely dangerous, because it often confuses the issue of right and wrong.
- Watchman Nee
Wherever there is interest and power to do wrong, wrong will generally be done.
- James Madison
Yes—but your luck will come more at the end of life than at the beginning, because the other sort of people won't understand the way your mind works. They will start by thinking you dreamy and romantic, and then they'll be surprised to discover that you are really hard and heartless, they'll be quite wrong both times—but they won't ever know it, and you won't know it at first, and it'll worry you.
- Dorothy Sayers
You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.
- Malcolm X
Life is a problem; mortal man was made to solve the solemn problem right or wrong.
- John Quincy Adams
For those that think men make progress collectively, I warn you, history teaches: You couldn't be more wrong.
- Glenn Beck
Is it not possible that an individual may be right and a government wrong? Are laws to be enforced simply because they were made? Or declared by any number of men to be good, if they are NOT good?
- Henry David Thoreau
A man given to pride is usually proud of the wrong thing.
- Henry Ford