Quotes about Wrong
In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be wrong. God cannot be for, and against the same thing at the same time.
- Abraham Lincoln
The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be, wrong.
- Abraham Lincoln
It is the eternal struggle between these two principles - right and wrong - throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and wll ever to struggle.
- Abraham Lincoln
Many of our current practices seem to be the wrong way around ... we seem to make church complex and discipleship too easy.
- Alan Hirsch
There is a wrong way of staying in the world and a wrong way of fleeing from it. In both cases we are fashioning ourselves according to the world.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
It is not at all surprising that the disciples imagined that the law had been abrogated, when Jesus made promises like this. For these promises reversed all popular notions of right and wrong, and pronounced a blessing on all that was accounted worthless.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The allegation of some progressives that America is an evil empire is not simply wrong—it is obscene.
- Dinesh D'Souza
Throughout the world, the more wrong a man does, the more indignant is he at wrong done to him.
- Lewis Carroll
Sin is not wrong doing, it is wrong BEING, deliberate and emphatic independence of God.
- Oswald Chambers
Our intentions may be very good, but, because the intelligence is limited, the action may turn out to be a mistake - a mistake, but not necessarily a sin, for sin comes out of a wrong intention.
- E Stanley Jones
I've got no problem with getting history wrong for a purpose - Shakespeare often got things wrong for a reason. But it's the randomised arrogance of ignorance of 'The Tudors.' Shame on the BBC for producing it.
- David Starkey
Nature does not make mistakes. Right and wrong are human categories.
- Frank Herbert