Quotes about Biblical
The aim, as in all theological and biblical exploration, is not to replace love with knowledge. Rather, it is to keep love focused upon its true object.
- NT Wright
THIS BRINGS US NICELY to the third speaker in our sound system. Like the second one, this third one has often been turned up far too loud. This has meant both that the music it is quite properly trying to play has itself been distorted and that the music coming from the other speakers (apart from the equally distorted second one) has been overwhelmed. In much modern biblical scholarship, in fact, this one has often drowned out all the others.
- NT Wright
Because God created male and female, we women are innately feminine. Granted, a woman can accentuate her femininity or she can detract from it, but she cannot change it—our sex chromosomes are in every cell of our bodies. Our femininity is a gift of grace from a loving God.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Millions of professing Christians are deceived; they are walking in ways that simply are not biblical. Their values, their responses, their relation ships, their choices, and their priorities reveal that they have bought into the lie of the Enemy and embraced the world's way of thinking.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
If movies and music are vehicles for emotionally "hooking" people into Hollywood worldviews, then the best countermeasure is to create more compelling, more beautiful forms of art that express a biblical worldview.
- Nancy Pearcey
Biblical worldview'. The term means literally a 'view of the world', a biblically informed perspective on all of reality. A worldview is like a mental map that tells you how to navigate the world effectively. It is the imprint of God's objective truth on our inner life.
- Nancy Pearcey
Voddie Baucham, a former all-American football player, offers a catchy athletic metaphor. "Sending young people into the world without a biblical worldview," he says, "is like sending a ballplayer onto the field without a playbook."17 Team spirit is not enough. An athlete needs to comprehend the game's strategy.
- Nancy Pearcey
The only basis for genuine human rights and dignity is a fully biblical worldview.
- Nancy Pearcey
Christianity explains why truth is not merely a human construction. The world is not a creation of my own mind. It is the handiwork of God. The human mind cannot usurp the Creator's role and function. The biblical concept of creation gives logical grounds to support what humans inescapably conclude by experience from the time we are toddlers.
- Nancy Pearcey
You can be utterly confident that any non-biblical worldview will be too "small" to account for all of reality.
- Nancy Pearcey
The key to the power of the biblical message is the conviction that it is actually true—objectively, universally, cosmically true. It is not merely a psychological coping mechanism. It is not a sociological product of Western culture. It is truth about the universe itself. This conviction is what sets orthodox Christianity off from Christianity Lite. And it is the source of genuine church growth.
- Nancy Pearcey
The biblical worldview fulfills both the requirements of human reason and the yearnings of the human spirit.
- Nancy Pearcey