Quotes about Scripture
The Bible is the grand biography of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the Bible is the annotated story of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, his story with God's essential explanatory and applicatory notes. You do violence to the Word of God when you reduce it to a book of theology, principles, and rules. You simply cannot make sense of Scripture without the person and work—the grace—of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Paul David Tripp
Rather than suffering being connected to the bad things we have done, Scripture connects trials and difficulty to the good things God wants for us and is working to produce in us (see James 1:2—4).
- Paul David Tripp
A prophetic word is a special inspired message or word that a person receives in his or her inner spirit after a season of fasting and extended prayer or, at times, through an inspired utterance from Scripture and occasionally confirmed by a vocal gift from another believer.
- Perry Stone
Strong believers will run to the Word and not from the Word in times of attack.
- Perry Stone
Get in the Word until the Word gets in you. Cast down evil imaginations.
- Perry Stone
There is a reason Scripture instructs us to "hold fast our confession" of faith (Heb. 4:14), and to pray without being double minded or without wavering (James 1:5—8). Confession is always verbal and never just mental agreement. Prayer is verbal petitioning but holding on to your prayer centers on confession
- Perry Stone
Remember, Christ never broke the written instructions of God. He only broke the traditions of men
- Perry Stone
The Word of God works when you take the instructions, follow them, speak them, and act upon them.
- Perry Stone
Waiting on God, according to Scripture, is not a passive, vacuous state but rather an active process of asking, seeking and engaging with his Spirit.
- Pete Greig
Christians read the Bible not as a document from history but as a world into which they enter so that God may meet them there.
- Pete Greig
Expressed otherwise in terms of the principle of context—a principle essential for sound understanding of any text but preeminently and uniquely so for Scripture—every unit of biblical material, however quantified, is qualified by a pattern of contexts relative to itself.
- Peter Lillback
As Jesus, the Word, is of divine origin as well as a thoroughly human figure of first-century Palestine, so is the Bible of ultimately divine origin yet also thoroughly a product of its time.
- Peter Enns