Quotes about Scripture
Faith grows when it is planted in the fertile soil of God's Word.
- Billy Graham
A computer . . . has no worth unless it is programmed . . . The believer has tremendous potential, but that potential cannot be used until he is programmed with the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
Effective preaching must be biblical preaching, whether it is the exposition of a single word in the Bible, a text, or a chapter. The Word is what the Spirit uses.
- Billy Graham
Become grounded in the Bible. As Christians, we have only one authority, one compass: the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
We are to feed the new nature on the Word of God constantly, and we are to starve the old nature, which craves the world and the flesh. We are told to "make not provision for the flesh" [Romans 13:14 KJV].
- Billy Graham
Angels crisscross the Old and New Testaments, being mentioned directly or indirectly nearly 300 times.
- Billy Graham
Peace conferences are held almost daily by governments, civic organizations, and churches. But the Scripture teaches that peace and safety will not come in any lasting way until the Prince of Peace, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, comes and rules and reigns in our world.
- Billy Graham
When I quote Scripture, I know I am quoting the very Word of God.
- Billy Graham
Through the written Word we discover the Living Word—Jesus Christ.
- Billy Graham
Immorality is glorified today. The Scripture teaches that God hates immorality! The ideal of purity is scorned, immorality is laughed at in school—"God is old-fashioned!" What else can we expect but that thousands of our young people are growing up to be immoral?7
- Billy Graham
God has not promised to bless my thoughts, but He has promised to bless His Word.
- Billy Graham
The Scripture teaches that popularity with the world means death. Satan's most effective tool is conformity and compromise. He is aware that one man standing in the midst of a pagan people can move more people in the direction of God than thousands of insipid professors of religion.
- Billy Graham