Quotes about Scripture
For the Spirit is required to understand the whole of the Scripture and every part of it.
- Martin Luther
Just as appearances of old happened for the direction of those for whom they happened, as also the Lord appeared to the two disciples going to Emmaus, so also Scripture speaks and appears in the manner in which we are disposed.
- Martin Luther
This is my answer to those also who accuse me of rejecting all the holy teachers of the church. I do not reject them. But everyone, indeed, knows that at times they have erred, as men will; therefore, I am ready to trust them only when they give me evidence for their opinions from Scripture, which has never erred. This St. Paul bids me to do in I Thess. 5:21, where he says, 'Test everything; hold fast what is good.
- Martin Luther
the whole Scripture of God is divided into two parts: precepts and promises. The precepts certainly teach us what is good, but what they teach is not forthwith done. For they show us what we ought to do, but do not give us the power to do it. They were ordained, however, for the purpose of showing man to himself, that through them he may learn his own impotence for good and may despair of his own strength. For this reason they are called the Old Testament, and are so.
- Martin Luther
And this our God, so Scripture says, rejoices over us when we are persuaded that He is not incensed at us but is our kind and lovable Friend.
- Martin Luther
Meanwhile it is to be noted that the whole Scripture of God is divided into two parts: precepts and promises.
- Martin Luther
Then comes in that other part of Scripture, the promises of God, which declare the glory of God, and say, "If you wish to fulfil the law, and, as the law requires, not to covet, lo! believe in Christ, in whom are promised to you grace, justification, peace, and liberty.
- Martin Luther
wherever answer, deliverance, or salvation are mentioned in Scripture, there we must be quick to understand that cross and suffering are there before.
- Martin Luther
Thus the Scripture calls us holy, while we yet live on earth, if we believe. But the Papists have taken the name from us, and say, we are not to be holy; the saints in Heaven alone are holy. Thus we are compelled to reclaim the noble name. You must be holy, but you must also beware against imagining that you are holy through yourself or by your own merit, but only that you have God's word, that Heaven
- Martin Luther
Scripture alone is the true lord and master of all writings and doctrine on earth.
- Martin Luther
For it is the explicit statement of Sacred Scripture that one who is outside of tribulation is outside the condition and hope of salvation.
- Martin Luther
And if what they claim were true, why have Holy Scripture at all? Of what use is Scripture?
- Martin Luther