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Quotes about Scripture

Whatever you give shelter and sustenance to in your mind is ultimately what will grow in your garden. You're going to reap what you sow. The way you renew your mind is to wrap your thoughts around Scripture. You can take control of what you think about. You deliberately plant the good seeds/thoughts of God in your mind. As these thoughts take root and grow, they will help remove the destructive weeds that the Enemy tries to plant in your mind.
- Louie Giglio
Lord, I thank You for the treasure of the Bible. Please teach my heart to want to dive into its treasures every day.
- Louie Giglio
When a thought is obedient to Christ, it either aligns with Christ or is rejected by Christ and by God's teaching found in Scripture. See, if a thought is not taken captive by you in Jesus' name, that thought will take you captive. You will bind the thought, or the thought will, in time, bind you.
- Louie Giglio
The constant challenge in Christian theology is to preach the whole counsel of God, while not emphazing one point of doctrine in a way that denies another.
- Joel Beeke
If Eve could be swayed in a flawless environment, what is our protection in the midst of corruption? It's none other than Scripture.
- John Bevere
We cannot separate our submission to God's inherent authority from our submission to His delegated authority. All authority originates from Him! Hear what the Scripture admonishes: Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. (Rom. 13:1—2)
- John Bevere
Therefore I did still pray to God, that He would come in with this scripture more fully on my heart; to wit, that He would help me to apply the whole sentence, for as yet I could not: that He gave, that I gathered; but farther I could not go, for as yet it only helped me to hope there might be mercy for me; My grace is sufficient: And though it came no farther, it answered my former question, to wit, That there was hope;
- John Bunyan
presently I found two things within me, at which I did sometimes marvel (especially considering what a blind, ignorant, sordid and ungodly wretch but just before I was).  The one was a very great softness and tenderness of heart, which caused me to fall under the conviction of what by scripture they asserted, and the other was a great bending in my mind, to a continual meditating on it, and on all other good things, which at any time I heard or read of.
- John Bunyan
This scripture also did now most sweetly visit my soul; And him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.  Oh! the comfort that I had from this word, in no wise!  As who should say, By no means, for nothing whatever he hath done. 
- John Bunyan
Then that scripture gave me hope, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  Heb. xiii. 5.  'O Lord,' said I, but I have left Thee.  Then it answered again, But I will not leave thee.  For this I thanked God also.
- John Bunyan
That scripture did also tear and rend my soul in the midst of these distractions, The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.  There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.  Isa. lvii. 20, 21.
- John Bunyan
that scripture came into my mind, Having made peace through the blood of His cross.  Col. i. 20.  By which I was made to see, both again and again, that God and my soul were friends by His blood; yea, I saw that the justice of God, and my sinful soul could embrace and kiss each other, through His blood. 
- John Bunyan