Quotes about Scripture
I think any apparent contradiction in scripture is my limited capacity. Me trying to understand God is like an ant trying to understand the Internet. I don't have the brain capacity.
- Rick Warren
All prophecy is based on a revelation from God, but always operates at a lower level of authority than that of inspired Scripture.
- Sam Storms
God is so clear in spelling out His attributes in scripture in order that others would know what He is really like.
- Francis Chan
Fanciful spiritualizing, so far from yielding God's meaning, actually obscured it. The literal sense is itself the spiritual sense, coming from God and leading to Him.
- JI Packer
Inerrancy means the word of God always stands over us and we never stand over the word of God.
- Kevin DeYoung
The Word of God I think of as a straight edge, which shows up our own crookedness. We can't really tell how crooked our thinking is until we line it up with the straight edge of Scripture.
- Elisabeth Elliot