Quotes about Scripture
We should not be surprised when we find ourselves in a similar spot, experiencing a God who is not beholden to our thinking, a God who doesn't act according to our sense of certainty, even if we can find a Bible verse or two to back it up. God can't be proof-texted. God will not be backed into a corner.
- Peter Enns
To see what Paul sees, Christians today are summoned to join Paul: the reality of Jesus demands that the Old Testament be read not by the book, but against the grain.
- Peter Enns
Literalism is a hermeneutical decision (often implicit) stemming from the belief that God's Word requires a literal reading.
- Peter Enns
The period of the monarchy is not only the meat of the Old Testament narrative of Israel. It's also the period when Israel's grand narrative was written.
- Peter Enns
The findings of the past 150 years have made extrabiblical evidence an unavoidable conversation partner. The result is that, as perhaps never before in the history of the church, we can see how truly provisional and incomplete certain dimensions of our understanding of Scripture can be. On the other hand, we are encouraged to encounter the depth and riches of God's revelation and to rely more and more on God's Spirit, who speaks to the church in Scripture.
- Peter Enns
the Bible is ancient, ambiguous, and diverse.
- Peter Enns
The problem isn't the Bible. The problem is coming to the Bible with expectations it's not set up to bear.
- Peter Enns
If we think of the gospel as simply rolling right off the Old Testament tongue, we will be wrong. And we will fail to appreciate how creative the New Testament writers were in working out the day-to-day real-time implications of all of this.
- Peter Enns
As quite distinct from Jewish interpretation, the history of modern evangelical interpretation exhibits a strong degree of discomfort with the tensions and ambiguities of Scripture.
- Peter Enns
I feel that if we do not engage Scripture with future believers in mind, we will unwittingly erect unnecessary and tragic obstacles to belief. Part of what drives this book is my concern to help prevent that scenario.
- Peter Enns
Abram believed the LORD, and it was credited to him as righteousness.
- Genesis 15:6
You are to make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it as on a seal: HOLY TO THE LORD.
- Exodus 28:36