Quotes about Selection
True Love--unconditional love--declares you worthy just because it chooses you. (pg 150)
- Susan May Warren
No individual may have great power without availing himself of the "Master Mind." In a preceding chapter, instructions were given for the creation of PLANS for the purpose of translating DESIRE into its monetary equivalent. If you carry out these instructions with PERSISTENCE and intelligence, and use discrimination in the selection of your "Master Mind" group, your objective will have been half-way reached, even before you begin to recognize it.
- Napoleon Hill
Reason is also choice.
- John Milton
I only like two kinds of men, domestic and imported.
- Mae West
Wisdom is exercised in the choices you make.
- Joyce Meyer
Wisdom is exercised in the choices you make.
- Joyce Meyer
What one does in one's club is what determines whether one gets called up for the national team.
- Carlos Tevez
But humans have deliberately selected which plants and animals shall live and which shall die for thousands of years. We are surrounded from babyhood by familiar farm and domestic animals, fruits and trees and vegetables. Where do they come from? Were they once free-living in the wild and then induced to adopt a less strenuous life on the farm? No, the truth is quite different. They are, most of them, made by us.
- Carl Sagan
If artificial selection can make such major changes in so short a period of time, what must natural selection, working over billions of years, be capable of? The answer is all the beauty and diversity of the biological world. Evolution is a fact, not a theory.
- Carl Sagan
In the jury selection process, the court needs to be reassured that the verdict will be based on evidence.
- Carl Sagan
You could compile, I should think, the worst book in the world entirely out of selecting passages from the best writers in the world.
- GK Chesterton
We often choose a friend as we do a mistress - for no particular excellence in themselves, but merely from some circumstance that flatters our self-love.
- William Hazlitt