Quotes about Shallowness
The model for prayer taught us by Jesus is shallow enough for a baby to bathe in and deep enough for elephants to swim through.
- Mike Breen
To be shallow is not a sign of being wicked, nor is shallowness a sign that there are no deeps; the ocean has a shore.
- Oswald Chambers
We live, I regret to say, in an age of surfaces
- Oscar Wilde
Sincerity is the last refuge of the shallow.
- Oscar Wilde
Insufficient respect for mystery leads to intellectual suicide; insufficient penetration of mystery leads to shallowness and despair.
- Mortimer Adler
Shallow believers prefer a shallow God.
- Toni Morrison
Lord, we know that you will come again in glory to raise the living and the dead. Resurrect us now from the death of comfort, complacency, sloth, and shallowness that we might witness to your love in life and death. Amen.
- Shane Claiborne
Satan is the illusive manipulator. He prances and dances and drinks in the adulation of his worshippers as he glimmers and shimmers, displaying all that glitters and all that attracts the shallowness of man.
- Billy Graham
It beareth the name of Vanity Fair, because the town where 'tis kept is lighter than vanity.
- John Bunyan
He might as well plant an oak in a flowerpot, and expect it to thrive, as imagine he can restore her to vigour in the soil of his shallow cares!
- Emily Bronte
American culture is so appallingly superficial, fixated on celebrities, entertainment, sports, and self-indulgence.
- William Lane Craig