Quotes about Aging
Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.
- Oscar Wilde
Twenty years of romance make a woman look like a ruin; but twenty years of marriage make her something like a public building.
- Oscar Wilde
It takes a long time to grow young.
- Pablo Picasso
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
- CS Lewis
When you're younger, you think of your age in fractions. 4 1/2, 5 1/2. You don't hear 36 1/2. You become 2, you turn 40, you reach 50, you make it to 60. By now you're going so fast you hit 70!
- Mark Lowry
A sensual and intemperate youth hands over a worn-out body to old age.
- Cicero
As for wrinkles--Pshaw! Why shouldn't we have wrinkles? Honorable insignia of long service in this warfare.
- CS Lewis
Old age may have its limitations and challenges, but in spite of them, our latter years can be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling of our lives.
- Billy Graham
Old age has deformities enough of its own. It should never add to them the deformity of vice.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
We all age. You shouldn't discount it as a subject for a film. Just because the characters are dealing with issues that you might not deal with for another 45 years doesn't mean you won't like it.
- James Franco
When I turned 40, I was like, huh. I accept myself more now. It was much more comforting.
- Jennifer Lopez
Those thoughts come to me in the night, those thought and thoughts of becoming sick or helpless, of the nursing home, of lingering death. I gnaw again the old bones of the fear of what is to come, and grieve with a sisterly grief over Grandmam and Mrs. Feltner and the other old women who have gone before. Finally, as a gift, as a mercy, I remember to pray, 'Thy will be done,' and then again I am free and can go to sleep.
- Wendell Berry