Quotes about Strengths
La humildad no es negar sus fortalezas. La humildad es ser sincero acerca de sus debilidades". —Rick Warren
- John Maxwell
It will add to your effectiveness, subtract from your weaknesses, divide your workload, and multiply your impact.
- John Maxwell
When some people begin to work with others on their development, they often gravitate to weaknesses rather than strengths. Maybe that's because it's so easy to see others' problems and shortcomings. But if you start by putting your energies into correcting people's weaknesses, you will demoralize them and unintentionally sabotage the enlarging process.
- John Maxwell
The main reason we weren't making progress is when focusing on people's weaknesses. If you want to develop people, you must help them discover and build upon their strengths. That's where people have the most potential to grow.
- John Maxwell
people's purpose in life is always connected to their giftedness. It always works that way. You will not be called to do something that you have no talent for. You will discover your purpose by finding and remaining in your strengths.
- John Maxwell
Effective leaders who reach their potential spend more time focusing on what they do well than on what they do wrong. To be successful, focus on your strengths and develop them. That's where you should pour your time, energy, and resources.
- John Maxwell
One of the best applications of this idea is expressed in what I call the 101 percent principle: Find the one thing that you believe is the potential leader's greatest asset, and then give 101 percent encouragement in that area. Focusing on a person's strengths promotes positive growth, confidence, and success as a potential leader.
- John Maxwell
Humility is not denying your strengths. Humility is being honest about your weaknesses. All of us are a bundle of both great strengths and great weaknesses and humility is being able to be honest about both.
- John Maxwell
You can't do everything, so focus on your strengths.
- John Maxwell
If you spend too much time working on your weaknesses, all you end up with is a lot of strong weaknesses!" This doesn't give you a competitive edge in the marketplace or position you to be wealthy. It just keeps you average. In fact, it's an absolute insult to your integrity to major in
- Jack Canfield
The moral of this story is simple. Some moms are equipped by the hand of God to be "that mom." They have been formed with the three-C gene — Cooking, Crafting, and Cleaning come easily and naturally to them. Others of us have been delightfully chosen to provide the comic relief necessary to keep this world entertained. And to keep future therapists in business.
- Lysa TerKeurst
None of us is perfect. There was only one perfect man who ever walked the earth, and He was the Son of God. We all have weaknesses and I guess we all make mistakes and will make mistakes in the future, but look for the virtues, the strengths, the goodness in those with whom you labor, and draw those characteristics into your own lives and make them a part of yourselves, and you will be the richer for it all the days that you live.
- Gordon Hinckley