Quotes about Dependence
This is what faith is -trusting in Jesus Christ alone as one's Savior.
- Jerry Bridges
The prayer of a Christian is not an attempt to force God's hand, but a humble acknowledgment of helplessness and dependence. When we are on our knees, we know that it is not we who control the world; it is not in our power, therefore, to supply our needs by our own independent efforts; every good thing that we desire for ourselves and for others must be sought from God, and will come, if it comes at all, as a gift from His hands.3
- Jerry Bridges
Regardless of the nature of the circumstances, we must learn to trust God if we would glorify God in them.
- Jerry Bridges
Just as the airplane must have both wings to fly, so we must exercise both discipline and dependence in the pursuit of holiness. Just as it is impossible for an airplane to fly with only one wing, so it is impossible for us to successfully pursue holiness with only dependence or discipline. We absolutely must have both.
- Jerry Bridges
Confidence in the sovereignty of God in all that affects us is crucial to our trusting Him. if there is a single event in all of the universe that can occur outside of God's sovereign control, then we cannot trust Him.
- Jerry Bridges
We as Christians should put our trust in God, not in our nation's armaments.
- Jerry Bridges
We are just as dependent on God when the physician diagnoses a routine illness and prescribes a successful medication. We are just as dependent when the paycheck comes regularly and all our material needs are met.
- Jerry Bridges
When we discover we are weak in ourselves, we find we are strong in Christ.
- Jerry Bridges
What was it that caused such a dramatic mood change in the heart of the writer? He turns from the circumstances at hand to the Lord.
- Jerry Bridges
John Owen again expressed this attitude of total reliance on Christ when he paraphrased Galatians 2:20: "The spiritual life which I have is not my own. I did not induce it, and I cannot maintain it. It is only and solely the work of Christ. It is not I who live, but Christ lives in me. My whole life is His alone.
- Jerry Bridges
The root of all virtue and grace, of all faith and acceptable worship, is that we know that we have nothing but what we receive, and bow in deepest humility to wait upon God for it.
- Andrew Murray
Humility, the place of entire dependence on God, is the first duty and the highest virtue of the creature, and the root of every virtue. And so pride, or the loss of this humility, is the root of every sin and evil.
- Andrew Murray