Quotes about Dependence
One great law for all who would be truly led by God's Pillar of cloud and fire, is to take no step at the bidding of self-will or without the clear moving of the heavenly Guide. Though the direction be new and the way seem beset with difficulty, there is never any risk, provided we are only led of God. Each new advance needs separate and special authority from Him, and yesterday's guidance is not sufficient for to-day.
- Jonathan Edwards
We are dependent on Christ the Son of God, as he is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. We are dependent on the Father, who has given us Christ, and made him to be these things to us. We are dependent on the Holy Ghost, for 'tis of him that we are in Christ Jesus; 'tis the Spirit of God that gives faith in him, whereby we receive him and close with him.
- Jonathan Edwards
One great law for all who would be truly led by God's Pillar of cloud and fire, is to take no step at the bidding of self-will or without the clear moving of the heavenly Guide.
- Jonathan Edwards
God is glorified in the work of redemption in this, that there appears in it so absolute and universal a dependence of the redeemed on him. Here
- Jonathan Edwards
I wanted not the favor of man to lean upon; for I knew Christ's favor was infinitely better, and that it was no matter when, nor where, nor how Christ should send me, nor what trials He should still exercise me with, if I might be prepared for His work and will.
- Jonathan Edwards
Our cleaving to them, and having their God for our God and their people for our people, depends on our resolution and choice; and that in two respects. 1. The firmness of resolution in using means in order to it, is the way to have means effectual. There are means appointed in order to our becoming some of the true Israel and having their God for our God; and the thorough use of these means is the way to have success; but not a slack or slighty use of them.
- Jonathan Edwards
And each person of the Trinity is equally glorified in this work: there is an absolute dependence of the creature on every one for all: all is of the Father, all through the Son, and all in the Holy Ghost. Thus God appears in the work of redemption as all in all.
- Jonathan Edwards
We must depend on His Word, pray the promises of God, and then watch what happens. The Word spoken through your lips releases angels.
- Benny Hinn
Humble people ask for help.
- Joyce Meyer
When we live as though we were lords of our own life, capable of meeting our own needs, we are living in the flesh. When we treat people, possessions, or achievements as though they were the source of our worth and significance rather than God, we are living in the flesh. In fact, insofar as we live as though God were not present, moment-by-moment, and as though this wasn't the most important aspect of any present moment, we are living in the flesh.
- Gregory Boyd
You never know God is all you need until God is all you have.
- Rick Warren
If you want God to bless you and use you greatly, you must be willing to walk with a limp the rest of your life, because God uses weak people.
- Rick Warren