Quotes about Dependence
Experience has taught me that I connect best with others when I connect with the core of myself. When I allow God to liberate me from unhealthy dependence on people, I listen more attentively, love more unselfishly, and am more compassionate and playful. I take myself less seriously, become aware that the breath of the Father is on my face.
- Brennan Manning
Becoming a little child meant becoming aware that all is gift, that I am helpless and powerless to add a single inch to my spiritual stature. Without the subjective awareness of utter dependence, the personal consciousness of a dynamism outside of self at work in us, I seriously question whether anyone has made real progress in the spiritual life.
- Brennan Manning
Abandonment is the triumph of trust in our lives.
- Brennan Manning
What Jesus longs to see in radical disciples is what he saw in little children: a spirit of sheer receptivity, utter dependence, and radical reliance on the power and mercy and grace of God mediated through the Spirit of Christ. He said, "Apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5).
- Brennan Manning
The world says, "When you were young you were dependent and could not go where you wanted, but when you grow old you will be able to make your own decisions, go your own way, and control your own destiny." But Jesus has a different vision of maturity: It is the ability and willingness to be led where you would rather not go.
- Henri Nouwen
But once I am able to truly confess my most profound dependence on others and on God, I can come in touch with my true self and real community can develop.
- Henri Nouwen
In the end, a life of prayer is a life with open hands—a life where we need not be ashamed of our weaknesses but realize that it is more perfect for us to be led by the Other than to try to hold everything in our own hands.
- Henri Nouwen
To live and serve and worship with others thereby brings us to a place where we come together and remind each other by our mutual interdependence that we are not God, that we cannot meet our own needs, and that we cannot completely fulfill each other's needs.
- Henri Nouwen
I need no longer always manage and muster support for my "cause."
- Henri Nouwen
Prayer has meaning only if it is necessary and indispensable. Prayer is prayer only when we can say that without it, we cannot live.
- Henri Nouwen
Jesus was the Son of God. Yet He never took the initiative to dream a dream or launch a new ministry. He lived His life in absolute dependence upon His Father. If Jesus was that dependent on the Father, then you and I should realize how ludicrous it is for us to set out on our own without any direction or guidance from the Father.
- Henry Blackaby
The lesson for Joshua was clear: walking with God was not about a method; it was about a relationship. Earlier
- Henry Blackaby