Quotes about Dependence
You said to lean on your arm And I am leaning You said to trust in your love And I am trusting You said to call on your name And I am calling I'm stepping out on your word
- Maya Angelou
5. We can depend on God, too. He's there, and He cares. Our spiritual beliefs can provide us with a strong sense of emotional security.
- Melody Beattie
Codependents are reactionaries. They overreact. They under-react. But rarely do they act.
- Melody Beattie
Lord, You know me. You know my natural personality is given to fear. You know all my insecurities. You know that I have a need to be loved and to feel significant and to feel affirmed. And Father, I'm not going to ask my family to do that for me today. They may or may not, and if they do, that's wonderful. But Father, You are my sole satisfaction, and I ask You to satisfy me this morning with Your unfailing love.
- Beth Moore
You and I need to obey God. When we do, the consequences of our obedience become God's problem and not ours.
- Beth Moore
God will sometimes allow things to get bad enough that we will be forced to look up. Victory always begins with a cry for help. When we come to the end of ourselves and cry out for help, amazing things happen.
- Beth Moore
We can be saved, the Holy Spirit can dwell in us, and yet we can continually live in defeat because the enemy can outwit us if we do not depend on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
- Beth Moore
The giant step in the walk of faith is the one we take when we decide God no longer is a part of our lives. He is our life.
- Beth Moore
A man is his tallest when he is down on his knees in prayer.
- Beth Moore
No amount of determination will bring freedom. We're going to learn to be victorious by surrendering our lives completely to the Spirit of God, not by gritting our teeth and trying harder.
- Beth Moore
Ultimately, our relationship with Christ is the one thing we cannot do without.
- Beth Moore
If you've lived your life looking for someone to take care of you but you always end up taking care of everyone else, your search is over. God has what you need, and you'll never wear Him out.
- Beth Moore